Monday, April 28, 2008

Leah Remini is a Dumbass

Leah Remini is a $cientologist. That alone makes her a dumbass, but there are other factors. She has a 4-year-old daughter who is still on the bottle. Yeah, and apparently she had NO IDEA this is a bad thing. Dumbass!

She invited Rachel Ray to film one of her shows to document her struggle in getting her daughter off the bottle. Stupid bitch doesn't even know that she should probably not tell people she's this retarded, but I digress.

Says Leah: "My daughter runs the house. The problem I'm having with bottle-feeding is basically that Sofia drinks six or more bottles a night. We're hearing that it's not good for her. In talking to our pediatrician, they almost fell off their chair when we said she's still on the bottle. So I'm thinking maybe it's not right."

Maybe?!?! Look, I'm a first time mother and I don't know everything, but I damn well know that a 4-year-old isn't supposed to be on the fucking bottle anymore. I'm weaning my kid off it right now and he's 11 months and it is HELL. I cannot imagine trying to wean a 4-year-old!

However, we're not supposed to judge Leah Remini for being a dumbass. She told NYDN: "They might have their kid off the bottle, but that kid still may be walking around with a pacifier in their mouth, which according to pediatricians is equally as bad."

Yeah anybody whose 4-year-old is still on a pacifer is dumb too! But at least they KNOW their kid isn't supposed to be on it, so really they're just lazy. I guess it could be worse, she could be letting Tom Cruise babysit or something.


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