Friday, April 04, 2008

This Idiot Again?

Okay after the "maranade himself in a globe for a week" trick and the fact that Criss Angel is way cooler, I'm officially tired of David Blaine. His shit is tired, and this proves it.

His newest "trick?" He wants to break the record for how long people have stayed awake without dying or something. His goal is 13 days. God maybe he'll die or drop off into a coma so we won't have to hear about his dumb ass anymore.

Anywho, Keith Richards, who cannot be killed by conventional means, has some advice for the retard. Apparently back in the 70's when he was doing more drugs than Columbia could produce, he managed to stay awake for 9 days before breaking his nose. So sayeth Keith: "On the ninth day I was putting a tape into a tape deck. In 0.3 of a second I fell asleep and crashed headfirst into a JVC speaker, smashing my nose apart. I just lay there and let it bleed. It was a chemical thing."

So he should listen to Keith and go to bed already. Does Blaine even do magic anymore? I mean what the hell is magic about staying awake? Apparently he looked at that picture of Scott Weiland I posted the other day and now he's too scared to sleep, I dunno.

This bitch sucks. Next!

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