Monday, April 28, 2008

Disney's Gonna Crap Themselves Over This

That is a picture of Miley Syrus. She's posing for some pictures for a Vanity Fair article. In case you were wondering, Miley is 15-years-old. Now don't you feel like a perv?

Of course people flipped out so Miley's spokesbitches have issued a statement saying she intended the pictures to be "artistic." Ah, the A word!

She also said: “I took part in a photo shoot that was supposed to be ‘artistic’ and now, seeing the photographs and reading the story, I feel so embarrassed. I never intended for any of this to happen and I apologize to my fans who I care so deeply about.”

Right. Anyways. After shitting their pants, Disney said: “Unfortunately, as the article suggests, a situation was created to deliberately manipulate a 15-year-old in order to sell magazines."

Anything to make sure the crazy Christian soccer moms still allow their daughters to watch Hannah Montana so they can hock their shit.

Apparently Miley's parents had left the set and her teacher and grandma were on hand when the picture above was taken. A source told People: "Miley's grandmother and her teacher were there when she shot it. Annie convinced them it was going to be artistic. Her parents are mortified. They know this is a learning moment for Miley. The photo suggests that she is [naked], but she is not. She is covered by a sheet, and beneath the sheet she is clothed. Originally, she was in a flesh-colored tank top but was asked to remove it."

Yeah if someone took a picture like that of my daughter, I would probably burn it, the negatives, and the dumb bitch who took it. That is creepy.

Seriously, what the hell? First Zoey 101 (Jamie-Lynn Spears) gets knocked up now Disney's #1 ho gets fake-naked for a photo shoot. My kids are stuck with Seasame Street and that's it. Elmo can't get preggo, can he?

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