Friday, April 11, 2008

Must Barf TV

Just imagine it. An entire TV show just like this picture. Watching Britney Spears pick belly button lint. And eating cheetos. And rearranging her shrine to Justin Timberlake. I know, exciting right?

Apparently her newly re-hired manager Larry Rudolph has been shopping around a reality show about Brit's oh-so-exciting life around to all the major networks. Somehow, I don't see this one getting picked up.

She believes a reality show is a no-brainer. She can be herself and not have to study lines…Several production companies are interested in a Britney reality show and are willing to pay her millions."..."Larry wants to get Britney back in the game and earning money."

Meaning, HE wants some money.

Yeah, it's easy, and there's no lines, but nobody's gonna watch something that fucking boring. Maybe ten years ago, but now? Not so much.

I see Britney in about ten years like this bitch I saw on Intervention once...laying on the patio in her backyard, drunk, screaming "WHERE ARE MAH BAAAAYYYBEEEES???" at the sky. THAT would be a good reality show.

Here we go, fuzzy, but you get the point:

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