Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Can it Be? Did the Pills Wear Off???

Apparently the fog has lifted. Perhaps hell frooze over. I dunno, but this could be awesome.

Rumor has it that Katie-Kate was offered a role on Broadway in NYC, and she wants to move to Manhattan with daughter Suri and do a trial separation from psycho-midget-husband Tom Cruise. Oh, bitch is gonna get fiesty! And by "bitch" I mean Tom, of course.

Star reports: She desperately needs to be on her own for a while, but there's no way Tom is going to let her take Suri away," an insider tells Star. "There's no way he'll allow it. He just doesn't want Katie - or Suri - out of his sight for long. He told her that if she goes to New York, fine, but he goes with her." Further, the couple's tug of war over their daughter has intensified as of late. "Tom wants to call all the shots when it comes to Suri," says an insider. "He has a lot of rules, and there's conflict."

$3 million is just not enough to spend your entire life being controlled by a very angry short closted gay man. We're rooting for you, Katie! Run like hell, and get some bodyguards because those $cientologists are like the fucking mafia.

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