Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Trailer Trash Awesome!

I was planning on getting this site back up and rolling this weekend when I had more time, but this is too awesome to wait.

In true trailer trash fashion, Britney Spears' 16-year-old sister Jaime Lynn is knocked up. Oh yeah, this is beyond great. The soccer moms are gonna shit themselves. The Nickelodeon star is preggo.

According to A source tells us the interview, which hits stands tomorrow, is six pages and is on the record with Jamie Lynn and her mother. She tells the mag that the father is Casey Aldridge, who she has been dating for some time and first met at church. Brit's younger sister, star of Nick's "Zoey 101," says she's keeping the baby."

I heard on the radio that Jamie broke the news to her family on Thanksgiving. That is awesome. I've decided this entire family is retarded. The only one with half a brain is mom, and all she can do is clean up the mess.

Oh yeah, and there's a rumor that Brit is knocked up too. God forbid she at least be smart enough to figure out how to take a damn pill every day.

Anywho. Happy holidays everyone!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Who Misses Me?

George missed me. Aw, I missed you too! You freaking hottie, you.
Yeah in reality probably nobody since it's been so freaking long since I posted a damn thing. But alas, unemployment and motherhood are a timesucker. The motherhood bit is great, but the unemployment sucked a fat Britney Spears ass.

Anywho. I shall post when I have time, which won't be as often as before. But I'll do my best.