Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Give Her One! Maybe It'll Kill Her!

Recently, Parisite Hilton and her boyfriend-for-right-now, Benji Madden were in Africa. Sadly, they weren't kidnapped or killed, and are back in the states now. But we very nearly got a chance to see her ass mauled by a cheetah. Apparently, she wanted to buy one.

According to a source: "Every time Paris saw something she liked, like a woman's dress, she would ask how much it was. That included a cheetah she saw at an animal park. She asked how much it was and said, 'If I bought a cheetah, would it run away from me or could I keep it?'"

This dumb bitch! It wouldn't maul her anyway. It'd smell her herpes and run like hell. I just had some hope there for a second. I'm still waiting for her 17 dogs to start a revolution and kill her in her sleep. Or at least piss on her designer shoes since none of the dogs are bigger than a purse.

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