Friday, April 04, 2008

I Don't Care How Much of a Pothead You Are, You Won't Smoke This....

Seriously. Pot named after Tom Cruise scares the crap out of me. But it exists, and I'm sure there are some potheads who have smoked and now think they are alien midgets with a shitty movie career and robot wife somewhere.

Anywho, from Rush & Malloy: One of Cruise's friends found it "outrageous" that licensed cannabis clubs in Northern California are selling vials of pot featuring a picture of Cruise laughing hysterically. Like other followers of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, Cruise is opposed to the use of psychotropic drugs. Staffers at several California clinics we called said they were forbidden to discuss any of the herbal varieties in their "inventory." But one weed devotee said, "I heard it's the kind of pot that makes you hallucinate."

"Makes you hallucinate?" NO SHIT. He thinks the aliens put us here and are coming back to get us someday. If it didn't make you hallucinate, I'd say you got ripped off. But I'm not going near that shit with a ten-foot-pole. No way am I putting something in my body called "Tom Cruise Purple." Seriously. That's what it's called.

But seriously, if Psycho Midget hasn't found someone to sue at least once a month, he gets antsy. Since he won't have sex with Katie-Kate the rage has to go somewhere.

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