Thursday, May 15, 2008

Howard Stern is an Asshole

I know, the title is pretty straightforward and mean. But he is. I mean, who the fuck picks on Dolly Parton? She wouldn't kill a fly. Not even with one giant boob. She's always been sweet and I love her. Kill me.

Anyways. He did a segment on an audio book Dolly did and with the use of some creative editing, made it sound like she'd said some pretty nasty things. For example: "Kenny Rogers smells like boy cum." The rest of the audio is above, courtesy of YouTube for however long they leave it up.

Amusing, yes. But not something that Dolly would ever say in a million years. Most people know this. But Stern still deserves punishment for being a dick.

From Dolly's statement: "I have never been so shocked, hurt and humiliated in all my life. I cannot believe what Howard Stern has done to me. In a blue million years, I would never have such vulgar things come out of my mouth. They have done editing or some sort of trickery to make this horrible, horrible thing. Please accept my apology for them and certainly know I had nothing to do with this. If there was ever going to be a lawsuit, it's going to be over this. Just wanted you to know that I am completely devastated by this."

I hope she sues. Any judge would side with her. She's Dolly Parton, dude! Some things are just sacred. Don't eff with Dolly. That is all.


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