Monday, May 19, 2008

The Hell?

So it's now been confirmed that Dame Goddess is indeed pregnant, not just housing a basketball. It's also been confirmed that she's having twins. She still hasn't confirmed the third rumor is that she's having fraternal twin girls. Anyways.

Word is that she and Man-Slave are disagreeing on what to name the twins. She wants to go with Castor and Pollox, the mythical twin boys from the sign Gemini, because that's her sign. Obviously Man-Slave doesn't want one of his girls saddled with a name that rhymes with "bollocks." Makes sense to me.

However, he forgets that he is to do what he is told, so this whole argument is moot. The twins are from now on referred to as Castor and Bollocks and that is final. Apparently she needs to get Maddox to put that bitch in his place because he keeps forgetting.


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