Monday, May 08, 2006

GWB's Favorite Part of his Presidency Thus Far

Aw, doesn't he look like a pissy 5-year-old in that picture? How nice.

Anyways, someone asked him what his favorite part of his presidency has been thus far. Dubya had this to say:

"You know, I've experienced many great moments and it's hard to name the best. I would say the best moment of all was when I caught a 7.5 pound perch in my lake."

Wow. That's fucking retarded. Not "helping make peace in the middle east" or "making my oil buddies buttloads of money by hiking up gas prices and bombing the middle east" but catching a fucking fish? We're in trouble, folks. He's dumber than we thought.

He did admit that 9/11 was his worst point, especially after seeing the infamous "My Pet Goat" picture.

"In such a situation it takes a while before one understands what is happening. I would say that this was the hardest moment, once I had the real picture before my eyes."

Yeah that was really shitty.

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