Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Chestica Buys Up "Team Jessica" Shirts

Chestica has never been one to take good care of that poor dog, (anybody who watched Newlyweds has seen how funky and greasy that dog looks) but in this picture, the poor thing just looks pathetic. C'mon, Chestica, you have tons of money, get the doggie to the groomer!

Anywho, in other pathetic Chestica news, the trendy Kitson Boutique in L.A. has been selling two types of shirts: one that reads "Team Nick" and another that reads "Team Jessica." The "Nick" shirts have been outselling the "Jessica" shirts 40 to 1. Chestica was in one of these boutiques and saw how the pile of "Jessica" shirts was way higher than the "Nick" shirts, so what did bitch do? Buy up all the "Team Jessica" shirts to make herself feel better. Wow. That's amazing. She's even dumber than she looks.

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