Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Lohan to Move to England...YAAY!!

So rumor has it that she's got a thing for some dude in England, so she's thinking of buying a home there. A UK magazine is speculating that the male in question is Harry Judd of the UK boy band McFly, whom she met while filming that last shitty movie she was in. She recently told Interview magazine: "I want to get a place in London. I kind of like a boy in London."

Moving to another country because you have a crush? Hilarious. But apparently, this is more than a crush. There's a rumor that she fucked Judd in a bathroom in New Orleans. Classy shit. (Source: )

The pictures are from the Interview mag. She's channeling Liz Taylor obviously, and she actually looks kinda hot. She still has the herpes though, so I wouldn't touch her with a ten-foot-pole.

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