Tuesday, May 09, 2006

David Blaine Fails to Break Record, But he's Still Alive, Still Hot Shit

David Blaine got himself about 150 pounds of chains on his hands and feet, and they stuck his ass back in that sphere, and was able to hold his breath for about 7 minutes, 8 seconds, as well as getting his hands free, before blacking out. Paramedics freed him, and took his ass to the hospital to run some tests on him. He was released today.

After being released and given oxygen, he addressed the crowd:

“I am humbled so much by the support of everyone from New York City and from all over the world,” Blaine said. “This was a very difficult week, but you all made it fly by with your strong support and your energy.”

Aw. The stunt apparently took a real toll on his body. Dr. Murat Gunel, who heads up Blaine's medical team, says he suffered liver damage, pins and needles in his feet and hands, some loss of sensation and rashes. He also said they'd talk more about his medical condtion in a press conference later today.

It's too bad he didn't make the record, but 9 minutes is a long ass time to go without air. Glad he survived, and hope there's no long-term medical problems form it. Conrats, David Blaine, you are hot shit!

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