Monday, May 08, 2006

Britney Puts her Foot Down

I guess Britney Spears didn't want to spend this pregnancy sitting on her fat ass whilst husband K Fed partied around with his stupid buddies hitting on strippers and shooting BB Guns.

BRITNEY Spears is pregnant and depressed - and she's not in any mood to let free-spending hubby Kevin Federline take off to have fun in Las Vegas with his posse. "Kevin asked Britney for money to go to Las Vegas in two weeks, and she shut him down," our insider said. "Britney told him that she won't be funding his trips with his friends any longer - he used to fly everyone out on her dime. The monthly allowance she had put him on seems to be disappearing after only one week."

Bah! Finally she's learning. Sorta. She's still married to the stinkfest, afterall.

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