Friday, June 06, 2008

Spike Lee Responds. Meh.

Spike Lee talked to ABC News about the little bitchfight he started with Clint Eastwood. In a true, mature, adult fashion, he started out with this little tidbit:

"First of all, the man is not my father and we're not on a plantation either."

Oh BURN! More:

"He's a great director. He makes his films, I make my films. The thing about it though, I didn't personally attack him. And a comment like 'a guy like that should shut his face' -- come on Clint, come on. He sounds like an angry old man right there."

Not just any angry old man. He's Dirty Harry and don't you forget it. Anywho, on we go:

"If he wishes, I could assemble African-American men who fought at Iwo Jima and I'd like him to tell these guys that what they did was insignificant and they did not exist. I'm not making this up. I know history. I'm a student of history. And I know the history of Hollywood and its omission of the one million African-American men and women who contributed to WWII. Not everything was John Wayne, baby."

Yeah and Spike is STILL missing the point. The flick was about the guys who raised the flag. They were all white. That's not being racist, that's just what happened. Anywho, in closing:

"In his vision of Iwo Jima, Negro soldiers did not exist. Simple as that. I have a different version."

Good for you. There's your version, and what really freaking happened. God he's annoying and I'm over it. Clint just needs to pistol-whip him and get it over with.


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