Thursday, June 26, 2008

Random Acts of Crap

Marilyn Monroe and Judy Garland will probably rise from the dead to bitch-slap New York for tarnishing their memory with her fat tranny ass. - DListed

Nuns love Steven Tyler. I didn't even know nuns were ALLOWED to listen to real music! - The Superficial

More rumors about Madonna and Guy Ritchie's divorce. - IDLYITW

Pete and Ashlee Wentzy got a dog. - Friends or Enemies

Parisite Hilton's boyfriend looks like Boy George. - DListed

Obama denies being "email buddies" to Scarlett Johansen like she claimed. - The Superficial

Mini-Me actor Verne Troyer has a sex tape. There's a clip if you have a strong enough stomach for it, but I'm filing it under "vomit" along with Gene Simmons' tape. - DListed

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