Monday, June 09, 2008

Daddy Spears Trying to Bribe KFed

According to Star Magazine, Daddy Spears has been in talks to pay KFed to remarry Britney Spears. Because that worked so well the first time! No, it's because supposedly she's never been as happy as she was when they were married.

According to a source: “His latest offer is $4.5 million in cash and a trust account set up with another $5 million if Kevin moves back in with Britney within a year. If they actually remarry, Jamie will add another $5 million to Kevin’s account.”

However, KFed doesn't like this offer and demands $20 million and to not sign a prenup like he did the first time. Brit Brit doesn't know any of this shit is going on and if she did, I'm sure bitch would be offended. I don't care how nuts you are, this would piss you off.


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