Monday, June 02, 2008

As Usual, Angelina is the Coolest Part of a Movie

What else is new? This picture is from a movie getting ready to come out starring her. It's called Wanted.

There's a bunch of rumors going around regarding whether or not she's still preggo or the twins have come to earth. Considering this is the same woman who denied she was pregnant even though she looked ready to burst forth with child, it's hard telling. I wouldn't be surprised either way.

She's also said she keeps guns in the house and has no problem shooting a bitch coming after her kids. Don't act all shocked. This is the same woman who used to keep knives and drink blood. I'd do crazy things to some asshole who thought he could hurt my kid. It'd be a bad day. Just ask the rat that lived under my house and thought about coming in where my kid lives. He totally thought that green block Husband and I gave him was candy. Ha! He was probably cursing our names while he bled to death internally. Too bad, so sad. I'm higher on the food chain.

Anyways. Angelina what?


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