Tuesday, September 05, 2006

RIP Steve Irwin

Steve Irwin, energetic and sorta goofy Australian conservationalist has died. He is known as the infamous "Crocodile Hunter" and owns and runs a zoo in his native country.

From source: The larger-than-life Irwin, 44, known for his fearlessly enthusiastic handling of even the deadliest of wildlife, was killed when a stingray barb punctured his heart during underwater filming off northeastern Australia.

"He came over the top of a stingray and the stingray's barb went up and went into his chest and put a hole into his heart," said the ebullient Irwin's longtime producer John Stainton, who was with him at the time on Monday.

"It's likely that he possibly died instantly when the barb hit him, and I don't think that he ... felt any pain," a tearful Stainton told reporters in the city of Cairns. "He died doing what he loved best."

Damn! I honestly thought this was one of those internet pranks when the husband found this on ABC News last night. We finally turned on Animal Planet, where they had a mini-tribute during the commercials to another show, and later in the night ran a show where Steve and his family talked his life growing up. The best part of that was hearing his dad talk about what a pain in the ass he was, because every time they went hiking or camping, Steve would run off and the family would have to go find him. That's some hilarious stuff. CNN also aired his last interview on Larry King Live, but I missed that. They're supposed to show it again tonight, I think.

He died filming a nature show at the time, so his death was actually videotaped. Rumor around the internet is that Steve had said if his death was ever filmed, he'd want it shown, and the rumor goes on to say his family is planning on releasing it. Somehow, I couldn't believe I could watch a video of my husband dying, let alone broadcast it to the world. But you never know, I guess. If they do release it, I for one, will not be watching that shit. That's too much for me. I'm a heartless bitch sometimes, but some shit even I cannot take.

My condolences go out to his family and friends. He leaves behind his wife, Terri, who was on a lot of his shows and narrated some of them, and two kids: Bindi, 8; and Bob, 2. At least the kids will have plenty of television specials to watch, so they can always kinda have their dad around!

We'll miss ya, Steve!

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