Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Asslee's Got Yet Another Excuse

Y'know, if she woulda ignored it, or just said "Man I sucked, sorry 'bout that." Instead of making up some giant excuse, we'd respect her more. But then again, her dad is her dad, and he's creepy. But she felt the need to explain away the whole her being drunk and stupid at McDonald's. From the article:

"Simpson says she wasn't aware that her McPlastered performance was being captured for posterity by the guy's cell phone-wielding friend, and 'fesses up that after she viewed it she thought, "Oh, gosh, I really hope my fans don't watch this!" But, in her defense, "They definitely [edited] stuff together."

First, acid reflux. Then, sound problems. Now editing. It couldn't possibly be because she sucks.

" ... I felt it was a moment of growing up," Ashlee tells Seventeen. "Most people do that in college -- mine has to be done in front of the world."

Wah. Oh well. Funny stuff.

Link: http://entertainment.msn.com/music/hotgossip3?GT1=7756

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