Monday, February 20, 2006

Holy Hell!!!

This is Janise Wulf. She is 62-years-old, has 10 kids, 20 grandkids, and 3 great-grandkids. In this photo, she has just GIVEN BIRTH to her 11th! A baby boy. He is healthy and happy, and just got done coming out of the oldest vagina ever to birth a child. Apparently, his half-sibling is 3. So she's addicted to having kids?? I dunno, but wow.


They link to a video in there, but I wasn't brave enough to click on that shit. So I have NO clue if whether it's safe for work viewing or not. There's no "NSFW" label, but you never know.

ETA: Okay, nevermind. I had to watch that shit. It was from ABC News, so it was just an interview with Janise, her husband, one of her grown daughters, and her doctor. Janise looked like she was facing a firing squad. But she sounded happy enough.

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