Wednesday, February 15, 2006

PETA Bitches at Cheney

I saw this one coming. PETA's head idiot, Ingrid Newkirk sent a letter to Vice-President Dick Cheney telling him to find a new hobby. She probably tried to sound polite and respectful, but bitch always sounds condesending, no matter what she does.

Excerpt from Bitch's Letter: "“I hope that the man you mistook for a quail is doing well. I also hope that this brush with tragedy will convince you to rethink your recreational activities,” PETA president Ingrid Newkirk wrote in a letter to Cheney obtained by The Scoop. She went on to suggest that Cheney “put down your guns and pick up a tennis racket” — which, she adds, would be better for his heart."

I cannot stand Ingrid Newkirk. She's a moron. If you need any information as to why, click on some links, man. PETA is almost a terrorist organization.

Actual quotes from the Peta2 site, which is the site aimed at pre-teens and teens:

This is from a Republican site, and I don't normally go for that shit, but they have some quotes on here from high up PETA people and other animal activists that make for some good jaw-droppers:

Actual article about PETA Bitch and VP Cheney:

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