Saturday, February 18, 2006

Pay Up, Bitch!

Nick Lachey has filed for spousal support from Fake Boobs McGee, and lists the date they separated as December 13th, while Fake Boobs petition says November 23rd. Nick also asked for some jewelry and other misc. belongings that are his. Of course, Chesticka petitioned that he not get any money.

Okay, he had to sit there and smile and not say a damn word the entire time you had your ankles in the air for Johnny Knoxville and God knows who the hell else, and now you won't even give him some damn money? I'm cheering for Nick, and I'm cheering that they get a judge whose wife screwed him out of his boat and his best friend.

People Mag:,19736,1161149,00.html

Okay people, there's like NOTHING to talk about today!!! GAAH! Someone give me something to snark on before I go fuck all insane!

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