Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Tom Cruise Badly Wants to be Loved

So he rigged a poll to make him look better in Parade magazine.

From the source: Parade.com conducted an online poll asking readers whether they thought Tom Cruise was responsible for his difficult year or whether it was the media¹s fault. We were surprised when 84% of respondents said the media was to blame for his tough year and that Cruise did NOT bring his image problems on himself.

We at Parade found this a little bit fishy - so we did some investigating. We found out more than 14,000 (of the 18,000+ votes) that came in, were cast from only 10 computers! Furthermore, there was one computer responsible for nearly 8,400 votes alone, all blaming the media for Tom's troubles. We also discovered that at least two other machines were the sources of inordinate numbers of votes.

It seems these folks (whoever they may be) resorted to extraordinary measures to try to portray Tom in a positive light for the Parade.com survey. There is even a chance they wrote a special "bot" program for the sole purpose of skewing the results, rather than casting the votes by hand on a computer.

Sounds like a pretty devoted group of people, don¹t you think?

Yeah methinks the Scientology Cult was helping him out here.

Source: http://www.jossip.com/gossip/tom-cruise/tom-cruise-and-the-suspicious-parade-poll-of-support-20060418.php

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