Saturday, April 29, 2006


Everyone's all whiney about this movie, United 93. Some pissy moviegoers in the Northeast got the previews yanked at theaters there, because it was "cruel" and "too soon" to make a movie about that.

Um, HELLO! It's been nearly FIVE YEARS! I can understand if you had a friend or family member perish on 9/11. You are not involved in this rant. You can grieve however you want, and bitch about this movie if you want. My sympathies still go out to you for having to deal with such a traumatic way to lose a loved one.

But the rest of you, seriously! This movie is a TRIBUTE to the heroes on that flight. They banded together and decided they were gonna twart the terrorists who were in control of the plane. They made a concious decision to give their lives in order to save others.

If any of you whiners remember, Discovery Channel AND A&E did made-for-tv movies about the flight. Discovery even went into how surviving family members are fighting to put up a memorial at the site where the plane went down. Did any of you watch that??

How about the special released a mere 6 months after September 11, 2001, that the documentary filmakers had. They had just happened to be filming about being rookie firefighters in New York City and caught a LOT of really moving and disturbing footage. We watched THAT, and nobody threw a fit! I watched it and bawled the whole time. The second time they aired it, I recorded that shit. I can't watch it again, but that deserves awards. Those guys were in the wrong place at the wrong time, and just happened to get that footage, but they kept rolling film! I couldn't do that.

So to end my little ranty rant, this film got a good review at, the title of this rant takes you to the review. The pussy over at made some big speech about how he wasn't going to go see it, he didn't WANT to watch it, and nobody could make him, nah nah nah boo boo. Which I thought was stupid.

Here is the official website dedicated to getting a memorial built to honor the heroes of Flight 93:

We go on and on about honoring our heroes, that is apparently what this movie does. I for one, will watch, and honor those heroes who died on that day. The rest of you can whine. I have a tissue for you.

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