Friday, April 21, 2006

Shit is About to Get Hella Ugly

The divorce is heating up between Denise Richards and Charlie Sheen. Denise has asked for a restraining order, and made some pretty nasty allegations. Attached in the article is the full document that Richards' lawyer filed on her behalf. Here are some tidbits:

*He was into porn involving children both male and female.
*He's addicted to gambling and hookers.
*He wanted her to get an abortion.
*He's a pill-popper.
*He's threatened to kill her ass many many times.
*He was more worried about gambling than his wife and kids. She even says that on the day she was in labor with their second child, Lola, he insisted on being there for the birth, but was too busy on the phone placing bets to actually take part in anything. Denise was in surgery having a C-Section and Charlie was on the phone.
*He painted "the dumbest day of my life" across one of their wedding photos.
*He emailed a photo of his penis to about 30 different women.
*When she tried to talk to him about the porn sites, he told her "go f-ck yourself."
*When she tried talking to him about curbing his lifestyle for his daughters' sakes, he told her that she'd better not tell anyone in the media or "you won't lay your head down at night" which Denise took to mean that he would kill her ass. Can't say that I blame her.
*One afternoon he came over to visit his daughters, and Denise was there alone with them. Charlie pushed Denise, and she tripped to the floor while holding Lola. He stood over her and said I hope you f--king die, bitch." After she was sitting on the couch later, trying to calm down the girls, Charlie was on his way out the front door, and yelled back that he was going to have her killed, and that "you are f--king with the wrong guy."
*He also told her that he hoped she got breast cancer and died, and that he hoped she got face cancer and died. Whoa.

Seriously, if this shit is true, Charlie Sheen needs some serious professional help. Like now. He makes Tom Cruise look like a happy, well-adjusted individual. If you want to kill some time, head over to the article and read the whole document. Of course, Sheen filed his own. I didn't read it, but I'm sure it's full of "nuh-uh's" and "no ways."


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