Thursday, April 27, 2006

Mandy Moore Doesn't Like Orgasms

Supposedly, Mandy Moore is embarassed by her recent photo on the cover of Cosmo magazine. Because the words "Orgasm Unlimited" appear in large print next to her face.

"I'm very flattered to be on a magazine cover, but the horrifying part is my parent's have framed every magazine that I've ever been on from the beginning.

"So there's a whole wall dedicated to that and it starts off with me at 14 and 'Mandy's favourite colour is pink!' and now Cosmo and my face and 'orgasms unlimited.'

"And my dad has to take it to the framer's to get it framed. It has nothing to do with me - it's just an article (that appears in the magazine)!"

Honey, this is Cosmo we're talking about! Orgasms, lipstick and bad grammar are their bread and butter. You want class, go join the Angelina Jolie club and get your ass on the cover of Time or some shit.

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