Monday, April 24, 2006

Charlie Sheen Says "Nuh uh!"

So of course, Charlie Sheen is saying he was never a big ol' meanie pants who shoved his wife to the floor WHILE she was holding his baby daughter, and he never threatened the life of her and her parents.

Says Sheen: "I'm deeply saddened because this is clearly demonstrating a wanting and willful attempt at what I describe as a radical and transparent smear campaign and, clearly, a departure from sound, sane, responsible co-parenting. It is a reaction to a failed marriage, a reaction to some twisted desire, real or imagined, to hurt, to punish, to discredit, to completely torpedo, to undermine my perception as a responsible father... a guy who would give his life for his children. (Richards is) the only one entirely culpable for putting these radical allegations out for public consumption... my children included. And I find that as unacceptable as anything I've ever encountered."

According to one of my new favorite websites, What Would Tylder Durden Do? this dude is a walking nutjob. I've not heard all this before. From WWTDD?: To recap: Charlie Sheen has been arrested five times for drug possession, soliciting prostitutes and credit card fraud, he was engaged to porn star Ginger Lynn and made plans to fake her death then have her undergo plastic surgery and assume a new identity to hide her past, and he was in rehab for drug and alcohol addiction 3 times. About the worst thing anyone can say about Denise Richards is that she was on 'Friends'. Comparing him to her is like comparing Hitler to a baby rabbit sliding down a rainbow.

Hmm..methinks Charlie is gonna have a long road ahead of him.

In other news, that picture I found of him, he is totally pulling the patented Tom Cruise Crazy Eyes. (::Trademark::)


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