Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tom Cruise is Still Crazy

Yeah we haven't talked about the King of Crazy in a while, so why not.

On the radio this morning, they talked about how $cientologists auditioned potential wives for Tom since he's too gay to find one of his own, thus finding Katie-Kate Holmes. Then I see on IDLYITW.com about how apparently, Katie-Kate, the chick he destroyed Oprah's couch for, was actually his LAST choice.

According to the source:

...ex-Scientologist Marc Headley, abso-Xenu-lutely! Marc, who used to produce promotional films for the religion, spoke to Britain's News of the World and said that following Tom's split from Penelope Cruz in 2004, the megastar told his BFF (and head of Scientology) David Miscavige that he was having trouble meeting women. So the church sent out a casting call that said, "There's an upcoming Tom Cruise movie you might get a part in. Come for an audition." There were of course restrictions: You had to be single, pretty and in your twenties. While a few female Scientologists were rounded up - Traffic's Erika Christensen and CSI: Miami's Sofia Milos - they were all rejected as Tom focused his attention on bigger stars. "They went for Jennifer Garner, Scarlett Johansson and Jessica Alba, in that order," Marc says. "Jennifer and Jessica didn't bite but Scarlett took the bait and came in for an audition. When she arrived and found out it was the Scientology Center in Hollywood, she freaked out and didn't do a tape..."

"Having trouble meeting women..." Hee hee. Anyways. That oughta make Katie-Kate thrilled that she signed that contract. If she's even allowed to feel anymore unless Tom lets her.

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