Friday, March 10, 2006

Paris is One Cheap Bitch

So, Paris Hilton was banned from the Vanity Fair Oscar bash, so she hauled her ass over to Elton John's party, which was asking each of it's guests to contribute to an AIDS fund, and when asked, Paris simply showed how freaking cheap and snotty she truly is:

"Don't you know who I am?"

Yeah, an ugly, skinny, herpes infested bitch who doesn't care about the plight of people with less money than you. Ugh, she's annoying. So, her spokeswhores are claiming she asked her accountant to cut a check to the foundation for $10,000, and they said:

" they should get their money."

Which to me sounds like "THERE! Now you should be happy." It's a CHARITY you stupid bimbo! It makes you look BAD when don't give, or worse, give GRUDGINGLY!

US Weekly has said they are tired of her, and refuse to run stories about her anymore. They said they'd use pictures, but that's it. They say she doesn't sell. Hee. Do I smell the end of Paris? Or are her legs open again? Ew...


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