Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Hogans Divorce Getting Nasty

Because these people suck, and I like reminding my 3 readers of this fact, here we go.

Linda Hogan is throwing a bitchfit that Terry is basically refusing to follow judges orders to continue to buy some real estate they were in the middle of buying when the whole divorce thing started. She wants his ass thrown in jail because when the day came to sign the paperwork, he was no where to be found.

"Hulk Hogan left his signature bandanna at home today, because it could clash with the orange jumpsuit a judge may force him to wear.

Hulk and soon-to-be-ex wife Linda were in court in Clearwater, Fla., as Mrs. H. asked hizzoner to hold her estranged hubby in contempt for failing to close on a $4.2 million Vegas condo.

As we first reported, Hulk wants to bail out on the deal — even if it means he loses his $840,000 deposit. Linda says they had an agreement to close on the condo and Hulk had no right to withhold the cash."

Apparently she wants somewhere to party with her toddler boyfriend. Who cares. Except maybe if Terry goes to the slammer they can put him next door to his pussy son Queeny Nick and they can cry like bitches together.


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