Monday, July 21, 2008

Dumb Bitch!

Brooke Hogan has a show called Brooke Knows Best because she's the only Hogan with mroe than half a brain cell and because VH1 will give any dumbass their own show. Anywho, on the latest episode, she was interviewing some chick to be roommates with her. The chick asked her who she was voting for in the presidential election. This was her response: "You know what? I am actually not that much into voting. I think it’s kinda crazy that a woman is running, because I think that women deal with a lot of emotions and menopause and PMS and stuff. Like, I’m so moody all the time, I know I couldn’t be able to run a country, ‘cause I’d be crying one day and yelling at people the next day, ya know?"

This ho needs bitch-slapped. Way to set women back a couple hundred years, ya dipshit.

God I hate this entire family. Why can't they OD on steriods and put me out of my misery?


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