Thursday, July 17, 2008

Rampage on a Rampage...Ha Ha, I'm So Witty.

I'm only talking about this because my husband is huge into UFC and I know Quentin "Rampage" Jackson just lost the championship belt to Forrest Griffin not too long ago so I dunno if those things are related. But also, look at his big truck with the big picture of him on the side...pure awesome.

Anywho, he got his shit arrested.

Rampage was on the 55 Freeway in the O.C., hit two cars and got off the freeway. The chase was on.Rampage then began driving on the center divider. But it gets worse. According to the police report, Jackson then drove on the sidewalk, "causing pedestrians to flee for their lives." He started driving the wrong way on a crowded street, colliding with yet another car in an intersection. As he continued on, running several red lights, his tire disintegrated and he began driving on the rim.
Rampage eventually got to the exclusive Balboa Peninsula in Newport Beach, where he again drove on the sidewalk, "causing pedestrians to flee in terror."
Eventually, his car came to a stop and he was taken into custody at gunpoint. Cops took him to the Orange County Jail, but they determined he was "medically unfit" to be booked. Cops won't say if he was high.

He was probably stoned and thought he was IN a game of Grand Theft Auto or some boring shit like that, but I couldn't resist posting with such a kick ass title. I rule.


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