Wednesday, March 07, 2007

She's Still Taking the Happy Pills

Katie-Kate is due to start filming a movie called Mad Money with Diane Keaton and Queen Latifah. Of course, the midget has to go so he can make sure she doesn't forget to take her pills and to be a pain in the ass to everyone involved.

"Tom has called producers and told them he will be on set every day. He wants to observe what's going on and will probably help Katie out."

By "help" he means "control her every move and every word."

More from Page Six: Cruise was said to be upset over her sex scene in last year's "Thank You for Smoking" - which was mysteriously missing during several festival screenings … Holmes gave up her role in the upcoming "Batman" sequel, and some in Hollywood said it was because of the romantic scenes she would have had with Christian Bale … The insider added, "Katie's agent, Hylda Queally (at CAA), chose this role (in "Mad Money") for her because it is a female buddy movie. There is no love interest and she wouldn't be kissing anyone or have a sex scene." Acheson declined comment on the script - which our source, who has seen it, said was "atrocious."

What a shock. What they didn't mention was how Katie-Kate had actually TURNED DOWN an Academy Award nomination for her role in Thank You for Smoking. I don't know why, but I'm pretty sure it had something to due with the fact that Tom didn't like that movie, and because he's never been nominated. Like anybody can help that he's a shitty actor who is stuck doing shitty action movies.

Anyways, good to see some things never change. The sun always rises in the east, and Katie-Kate is still a brainwashed Stepford Wife.

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