Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Is Britney the Devil?

Some random source claimed that Britney Spears tried to hang herself inside the rehab center where she's been recieving treatment. They also claimed she carved "666" into her forehead and was screaming about being the anti-christ.

The ordeal began when she terrified staff by writing the number of the beast on her head and running around the clinic screaming, "I am the anti-christ!" "The clinic people just didn't know what to do," a friend claimed."

Yeah I didn't believe that to begin with, then saw this on WWTDD.com:

If you read most articles on the supposed attempted suicide, most are written with unnamed sources and with direct quotes attributed to no one. We saw Britney later in the evening on the 28th, the same day we saw the ambulance, attending her first AA meeting outside of rehab. She was looking good and healthy -- far from what you'd expect someone who'd just attempted suicide to look like! She was out again the next evening for a Thursday night AA meeting, where X17 caught up with Brit exclusively. She gave us a sweet wave and a smile -- she looked great!

Yeah homegirl is depressed and has a substance abuse problem. She's not insane. That's what I believe, anyway.

WWTDD.com source:

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