Friday, March 30, 2007


At the British premiere of Wild Hogs, which I heard was a giant steaming pile, closeted actor John Travolta said some dumbass things.

"It [global warming] is a very valid issue. I'm wondering if we need to think about other planets and dome cities. Everyone can do their bit. But I don't know if it's not too late already. We have to think about alternative methods of fuel. I'm probably not the best candidate to ask about global warming because I fly jets."

Yeah. He showed up at the premiere on a motorcycle. And the geniouses over at IDLYTW put his hypocrisy in words that I just cannot match. They are beautiful. I shall quote:

And by "fly jets" he means "I own five." Specifically, a customized Boeing 707, three Gulfstream jets and a Lear jet that he keeps on his private runway. The runway he's used to take off for each of the 30,000 miles he's flown in the past 12 months. Miles in which he's produced an estimated 800 tons of carbon emission, roughly 100 times more than the average human. It's even more awesome when you find out that John Travolta lends his jets to fellow closeted gay actors who want to have sex without the fear of paparazzi. So, to reiterate, John Travolta wants you to power your house with a bicycle and a car battery, but it's ok for him to melt the polar ice caps so Jake Gyllenhaal can break in his new butt plug. Yeah, that sounds reasonable.

I love it. One day, I will be that awesome. Until then, John Travolta can suck eggs.

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