Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Woody Harrelson is Violent

Last week, Woody Harrelson attempted to leave a bar. He had in hand, two glasses of wine that he wanted to leave with. This is illegal in California, where this story takes place. So the bouncer does his job and tells Woody he'll have to leave the liquor inside the bar. Was Woody normal? Did he apologize and leave his drinks behind? Of course not. Then nobody would give a shit. He punched the bouncer and started a nice fat fight out in the street like a hopped up fratboy.

Says the National Enquirer and WWTDD.com: That started a full-scale brawl in the street, with a second bouncer joining in and wrestling Woody to the ground. Woody punched and scratched the bouncers and gouged a fingernail into one of their faces, just about [sic] the eye, said the bar source. “Blood was streaming down the bouncer’s face, and Woody cut his hand on the broken glass on the sidewalk… Blood was all over the place.” Two California Highway Patrol officers, who were writing a ticket across the street, raced over to stop the fight. “Woody was still flaling away, and the officers ended up cuffing him and putting him in the back of a squad car while they tried to sort out the mess…”

Very nice. Apparently he did smoke away what little brain he had left. Somehow, his dumb ass didn't get arrested.

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