I chose this picture because it looks like he's trying to squeeze out a turd. Hee.
Seriously? Nobody cares anymore. The Hairpiece is still yapping about how he thinks Rosie O'Donnell is stupid, and Rosie is still typing cute little poems on her blog about it. Only nobody gives a shit anymore that a fat lesbian and a dumb rich guy with a combover hate each other. I vote we put 'em in a cage match with jello and call it a year.
According to USA Today: The bitter battle of words between Donald Trump and Rosie O'Donnell isn't over. "Rosie's a loser. She's been a loser always," the real estate mogul and host of NBC's The Apprentice, said Thursday in a phone interview with The Associated Press. "Her show failed, her magazine failed. Barbara Walters gave her new life, but she'll fail at that also because she's inherently a stone-cold loser."
Later on: The feud continued this week when O'Donnell posted this entry on her website: "so what happens/ when u say the emperor has no clothes/ the comb over goes ballistic/ via phone to mr king."
Will the mudslinging ever stop?
"It will never end on my behalf because I've exposed Rosie for what she is: a very dumb human being," Trump told the AP. "She's got no intelligence, but I've known that for a long time. Unfortunately, Rosie's pulled the wool over the public."
Okay seriously? Nobody cared about what she said in the first place. The public already knows Trump is an inflated ass. Nothing Rosie O'Donnell says is gonna change that opinion. Hell, Jesus himself could come over to my house for tea and tell me Donald was a saint and helped little orphans get medicine, and I'd still think The Hairpiece was a douche.
In short, they both need to shut the hell up already.
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