Apparently, Chestica is angry because of the interview soon-to-be-ex-hubby Nick Lachey gave to Rolling Stone that ended up in Us Magazine. Who cares. We all know this shit already. You got married, you had a show, you thought tuna was chicken, you went to make a movie, you slept with Knoxville, got the herpes, and ew.
Dumb shit: "Nick waited until two weeks before for his album to debut (Lachey's CD, What's Left of Me, will be released May 9] to tell a reporter that he loved Jessica. That's not cool." Furthermore, the insider adds, "he keeps saying, 'I'm sorry I couldn't make her happy,' but he is not choosing to say why."
Oh my God, she is dumb. How is she gonna say that he "waited" to say he loved her, and why should he have to explain himself??? SHE wanted to dump his ass. SHE wanted to go screw that band guy, and NOW she's screwing Dane Cook!!!! If she wanted to stay with her husband, then she should've stayed, gotten marriage counseling like HE WANTED to do, not run off to spread Knoxville's herpes to any willing male.
Sorry, no sympanthy here, Chestica. You made your bed, lie in it. So what if he's using the divorce to sell records. You used your virginity and your marriage to sell yours. This isn't any different, no matter what your creepy dad says.
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